It used to be something like
But this trick requires quite a bit of adaptation to use on modern VS versions.
First, the relevant module is now ucrtbased.dll – thanks to the universal CRT the expression is no longer version-dependent.
Second, the ugly context operator syntax – while still accepted – has an alternative in the module!function windbg-like form.
Even after these two fixes, more is needed. Type in a watch window ucrtbased.dll!_CrtCheckMemory(), and the value shown is –
No type information is available for the function being called. If you are calling a function from another module, please qualify the function name with the name of the module containing it.
The type information is definitely there – but don’t sweat it, just add the type information yourself:
((int (*)(void))ucrtbased.dll!_CrtCheckMemory)()
Filed under: Debugging, VC++